
Rafał Drewniak

Magister Filologii Angielskiej, absolwent WSP w Opolu (1991). Związany ze szkołą od początku jej istnienia. Specjalizuje się w nauczaniu mówienia, rozumienia ze słuchu, gramatyki i wymowy. Prowadzi zajęcia na kursach Pre-FCE, FCE, CAE, CPE oraz zajęcia indywidualne.
Do zadań pana Rafała należy również opieka metodyczna nad młodszymi, mniej doświadczonymi lektorami.


WHY DO YOU TEACH? Because it's fun and rewarding and... it pays my bills:)

WHAT DO YOU LIKE ABOUT YOUR JOB? Being able to give people a communication tool they can use throughout their lives.

WHAT DO YOU DISLIKE ABOUT YOUR JOB? Students who don't care..

WHAT IS YOUR FAVOURITE KIND OF STUDENT? I love people who have a good sense of humour and enjoy learning new things.

WHAT ARE YOUR INTERESTS OUTSIDE TEACHING? I love playing the guitar, singing, DIY and sports. I am also an active translator/interpreter.

FAVOURITE MUSIC? I like folk, jazz, rock, funk or any combination of these. My favourite artists are: Dave Matthews Band, Steely Dan, RHCP, Prince, Toto and many others!

FAVOURITE FILM? Milos Forman's Amadeus

FAVOURITE SPORT? Skiing, handball, football and volleyball

FAVOURITE COLOUR? Whites and off whites

FAVOURITE FOOD? None. I love trying new foods... at least once:)

ANY FUN FACTS? I enjoy graphic design and have designed almost all Golden Gate's publicity materials in recent years.